Human Paladin (Stormcast Eternals conversion)

Earlier this year I got back into World of Warcraft and had the fortune of finding a gaming group that really made things fun for me and led me to appreciate an expansion I thought had nothing left for me to enjoy. One of them really took the time to coach me through tanking Mythic+, and I thought I would immortalise his Paladin like I have done previously for another friend’s character.

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Snake Warrior (3D printed)

After binging videos on YouTube about 3D printing, I finally got myself a printer. My Creality Ender 3 arrived in the mail last weekend, and after building it, calibrating the bed and getting some filament, it was ready to start pumping out critters. 3D prints are notorious for looking “layered”, but what if there was a monster whose skin is supposed to look “wavy”? Enter the Naga.

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